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27 September 2020

Revamp And Personal Update ....

 Revamp Time

Ok so I've been a little lazy of late when it comes to all the web side of things.  Lots of reasons why but ultimately I'd just lost interest for a while.  It happens to us all.  

I've spent a couple of hours tonight updating links on my online presences on here, Facebook and InfinityFree (my image and map hosting site) so that its almost seamless to navigate between them.  Of course Facebook doesn't want to play ball and just opens everything in a new window.  Its still very much a work in progress but its starting to look better.  

I've also done somethings to the bike over the summer - some were forced by a couple of accidents.  Others just because I could and they made sense.  I've snapped some pics of things as its taken place and I will try to link some of the stuff together into blog entries/pages over the winter months.

For now ride safe and stay safe